LA LOBA: The Woman Who Knows
Love. Betrayal. Hope.
October 21-23, 2022 | Smithfield, Utah
A weekend for overcoming trauma and/or betrayal and finding your strength.
Taking Care of Me
Taking Care of Me is easier said than done. We often take care of others first. Yet, when my cup is full, I can do so much more.
La Mariposa
Join us for a weekend focused on finding a positive self-image, body image and beliefs. Find your strength and power within.
Providing Tools For Life
Unlock your full potential. Bring greater JOY to your life.
The Toolbox provides tools that assist living life to it’s fullest. We provide tools to help bring clarity, happiness and strength to everyday life. These new tools help create and solidify patterns for healthy living.
Learn how to recognize emotions, how to figure out what they stem from and how to processes them. We believe any emotion, fully felt, can eventually lead to joy. Let us help you bring greater joy to your life!
Learn how to create and maintain healthy boundaries.
Experience forgiveness for yourself and others.
Recognize, listen to, and act upon your intuition.
Learn tools to overcome trauma and/or betrayal.
Our Goals
It is our goal to help women find healing, find connection with others, and to help strengthen their relationship with God, with themselves, and with others.
Life Coaches
Sometimes in life we need someone who can provide guidance, support and direction in our personal lives. We are here to help! Contact us to learn more.
Stress Management
Stressed out? Can’t stop worrying about something? Feeling overcomed? Our Rescue Toolbox can be used to help when feelings of anxiety, depression and fear creep in.
Our Events
Events are hosted throughout the year and focus on boundaries, forgiveness, intuition, healing from trauma and/or betrayal, and more. Find out which is right for you!
In order to break a negative pattern or habit and create a new pattern or habit, you must heal on four levels: PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY. We calls this P.E.M.S.
When all four levels of healing have taken place, the pattern will break permanently. Many times, you will experience pieces of the four, for example you may get a mental understanding and even new emotions but not have a new feeling in your body or may not have reconnected with God. Total healing comes when you heal in all four areas.
"I never realized what was keeping me stuck until I heard about P.E.M.S. It was then that I figured out that I needed to heal my connection to God in order to move forward." - Cass
"When I finally allowed myself to get angry and I felt it in my body, and hit that punching bag, then I finally got rid of the resentment I was feeling and I could get past my block." - Mary
Physical Healing
The body has to have a new experience. You can heal your physical body with movement, eye contact, other processes.
Emotional Healing
You have to experience new feelings. You can do this through emotional release techniques, EFT tapping, therapy.
Mental Healing
Your brain has to have a new thought pattern with learning, teaching, and supporting others.
Spiritual Healing
You need connection with God or your higher power. Read, be still, meditate and reconnect.
About Us
Daughters of Light was started by three women who experienced healing in their own lives after doing their own “work.” Through experiential weekends, individual and group therapy, and help from lots of friends and resources, we found the healing we needed in our lives.
Our next step was to give back to other women and help them learn the same tools we learned along our journey. That was the beginning for Daugthers of Light!
“Loved everything! I found practical applications with solid ideas and plans of what I can take home with me and implement!”
“My most powerful part of the entire weekend was the anger and grief work. it just brought a lot of emotions to the surface and helped me process a lot of stuff. “
“I will forever be grateful for this experience and all I learned. The things I rediscovered about myslef and the friendshps and connections I made. The things I saw in others that opened my eyes to myself.”